Egypt in Africa

​Egypt's role in Africa​

In the wake of the January 25 and June 30 Revolutions, Egypt sought to restore its role in Africa as being one of Egypt's national security spheres, especially in light of the historic ties and vital interests between Egypt and its African circle, as Egypt seeks to reinstate its historic role in the continent through a strategic vision that includes the following:​

First: the Nile waters file:​

  • Pursuing the path of negotiations on the Renaissance Dam through the Tripartite National Technical Committee and the political path through the Six-Party Committee, in order to implement the recommendations of the international experts Committee on conducting studies about the effects of the Dam on the two downstream countries.
  • Pursuing follow-up of the water projects that are established in the Nile Basin countries on the River's course, in order to ensure the inviolability of Egypt's water share or harm its rights in this regard.
  • Boosting cooperation in the field of water resources with the Nile Basin countries by providing Egyptian expertise in this field, in order to enhance cooperation to attract water losses aiming to increase the River stream flow to achieve the Nile Basin countries' interests.

Second, Concerning the Agreement on the Nile River Basin Cooperative Framework:

  1. Working on meeting the three Egyptian requirements, namely: Article 14, which addresses the issue of water security, should explicitly stipulate the inviolability of our water share - Commitment to Article VIII with the principle of notification concerning planned measures on the international river, stipulating explicitly the notification procedures and timings - explicitly stating that the agreement must only be amended by consensus.
  2. Pursuing follow-up of the outcome of the negotiations between our brotherly partners in the Nile Basin on means to push matters forward, and reaching consensus on the incomplete framework agreement.​

Third: Egypt's relations with the Nile Basin countries:

Egyptian diplomacy managed to resume Egypt’s activities in the African Union, and the Egyptian political leadership pays clear attention to Africa. In order to initiate new areas in its relations with the Nile Basin countries, it is important to pursue efforts on the short and medium terms on several axes to strengthen those ties, of which the Egyptian initiative for the development of Nile Basin countries is an example.


Fourth: Egypt's relations with the countries of the Horn of Africa:

  1. Egypt has close historic ties with the countries of the Horn of Africa (Somalia - Djibouti - Eritrea), characterized by several factors, the most important of which, geographic proximity, religion, and historical migrations to and from the region, so Egypt has close roots with these countries that need to be activated, either by activating communication and official visits at all levels, or providing Egyptian assistance in many fields, such as education, health, agriculture, diplomacy, judiciary and infrastructure development.
  2. Egyptian foreign policy continues to follow the political and security developments in Somalia, and seeks to help the Somali people rebuild their institutions and train their cadres, as well as pursuing Egypt's active participation in all regional and international forums concerned with Somalia, and supporting "Vision 2016" which involves completing the political merits, topped by drafting a new constitution, and holding parliamentary elections, leading to the presidential elections.
  3. With regard to relations with Djibouti and Eritrea, Egyptian diplomacy is keen to enhance mutual high-level visits, and pursue follow-up of the internal developments in both countries, as they have a direct impact on the Red Sea security, and the increased rates of illegal immigration as a result of the deteriorating security situation in the Horn of Africa, in addition to the need to cooperate in fighting piracy.

Fifth: Egypt's relations with the South African countries:

  1. Pursuing coordination and consultation with South Africa on issues of common interest raised on the regional and international levels, seeking to strengthen bilateral relations in the different fields.
  2. Pursuing technical cooperation with the countries of the South, and implementation of development projects there, as well as responding to the needs of those countries especially in ​​capacity building, which is a priority for African countries in general, via training courses organized by the Egyptian Agency of Partnership for Development and the different Egyptian authorities.
  3. Encouraging the Egyptian private sector and Egyptian businessmen to explore those countries' markets and determine investment opportunities, so as to serve the common interests of the two countries and enhance trade and economic relations.
  4. Promoting trade exchange between Egypt and COMESA countries, to benefit from the available opportunities in their markets for the Egyptian exports, and seek to meet the Egyptian market needs of Egyptian food commodities such as meat.
  5. Intensifying popular and parliamentary communications, and encouraging cooperation between the Egyptian research centers and their counterparts in those countries.
  6. Seek to support cultural and religious communication between Egypt and the countries of the Horn of Africa through the exchange of delegations visits.

Sixth: Egypt's relations with the countries of the Islamic belt and Central and West Africa:

Central and West Africa are of particular importance to Egypt as being an extension of the Egyptian strategic depth to the South and the West, especially concerning the security aspect, in light of the deteriorating security situation in the Sahel and Sahara region caused by the activity of terrorist groups (Central Africa, Chad, Nigeria, Niger, Cameroon) or separatist movements (Mali) or coup attempts (Burkina Faso).

So it is important that Egypt pursues its interest in strengthening cooperation bonds with the countries of the region in a comprehensive way and develop its frameworks to include larger prospects through:

  1. Mainly focusing on development projects as being the engine of economic growth on the one hand, social services on the other hand, besides enlightenment and cultural awareness, and thus addressing the roots of the security problems arising from factors of marginalization and poverty.
  2. Pursuing coordination and consultation on the security level, in parallel with intensifying the training courses organized by The Cairo Center for Conflict Resolution and Peacekeeping in Africa, and the Egyptian Agency of Partnership for Development.
  3. Following up the implementation of existing cooperation agreements to maximize their expected outcome.
  4. Encouraging the exchange of official and informal visits at the different levels and in all fields, especially those affecting the people and having popular interest such as the health aspect.
  5. Developing the role of Al-Azhar Al-Sharif as a beacon to rectify the ideology deviant from the essence of the moderate religion, and spreading the culture of peace that would counter such thought.​​