Welcome Note

​I have the pleasure to welcome all visitors - Egyptians and foreigners – to the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to which we attach considerable importance, reflecting that the Ministry, one of the most prestigious institutions in Egypt's modern history, is keen to keep pace with our new age’s successive advancements in communications and information technology.

Followers of this site will undoubtedly notice the Ministry's determination to make it a source of all required information for its visitors relevant to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ activities, either internally or externally, bilaterally or multilaterally, in political, economic, cultural and legal fields, in addition to all results of international and regional encounters in which Egypt participates, including statements and speeches as well as addresses or discourses delivered by the Foreign Minister, Assistant Ministers, or other Ministry’s leading personalities, in Arabic or foreign languages. The website also offers information concerning the Egyptian representative missions abroad and their contacts.

Also, in addition to providing and updating the travel advisory required by citizens, we look forward to its outstanding contribution in facilitating consular services provided by the Ministry and missions abroad, and in a later stage, citizens will be able to pay the fees of their consular transactions via this site. Persistent efforts are currently being exerted by the Ministry, in coordination with the concerned authorities in Egypt, in order to develop this portal to fulfill the aspirations of its visitors, both Egyptians and non-Egyptians.
Finally, I hope that the services, facilities and information provided by this website will be as distinguished as we all aspire to see. I would like to affirm the interest of the Ministry in receiving your esteemed comments and constructive remarks about the effectiveness of the website and your development proposals so we can continuously take part together in its enrichment, thereby achieving the best for all of us.

Sameh Shoukry​