Recognition & Appreciation

In continuation of Al-Tahrir Palace role in serving the Egyptian foreign policy in the past and the furture, as a host of significant and historic events, and appearing in an honorable appearance that is appropriate to Egypt's deep-rooted history in international policy and diplomacy, we had to pay tribute to all who contributed in the restoration and revival of this distinguished edifice to be able to continue its contribution to the Egyptian foreign policy.

  • Former Foreign Minister, Mr. Amre Moussa, who decided to restore the palace to use it for hosting and accommodating the Foreign Ministry’s delegations.
  • Former Foreign Minister, Mr. Ahmed Maher, who followed up the restoration process.
  • Since his assumption of office, Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit the restoration and furnishing processes. Foreign Minister Aboul Gheit and his spouse Mrs. Laila Kamal Salah El Din overcame all the obstacles that faced the restoration and furnishing processes to fully rehabilitate the palace. These processes included the selection and restoration of furniture, upholstery, antiques that suit the aspired elegance while preserving the architectural nature of the palace to restore it to its former glory.​