International Parliamentary Relations

  1. With the holding of the parliamentary elections by the end of 2015, Egypt has achieved the three main milestones of the roadmap that aims at reestablishing the institutional framework of both the executive and legislative authorities. The Parliament starts, by the beginning of 2016, its legislative and supervisory role including the revision and harmonization of existing laws with the new constitution's articles, restoration of its activities and relations with parliaments of friendly states, and reactivation of its role in regional and international parliamentary unions.


  1. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs communicates with Egypt's Parliament to discuss and explain Egypt's foreign policy, its positions regarding international issues, and the efforts of the Ministry through its diplomatic and consular missions abroad to serve Egyptian citizens and promote Egyptian interests. Moreover, the Ministry provides necessary information and reports to different committees of Parliament, and submits to it bilateral and multilateral treaties and agreements which Egypt signs, in order to carry out its legislative role by ratifying them.


  1. The Ministry coordinates with Parliament regarding foreign relations whether on the bilateral parliamentary level or regional parliamentary bodies like the Arab, African, and European Parliaments, in addition to parliamentary unions like the Arab Inter-parliamentary Union, and African Parliamentary Union. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also consults with Parliament regarding the formation of parliamentary friendship associations between Egypt and other countries.


  1. The Ministry contributes with its embassies and missions abroad in organizing bilateral visits both for Egyptian parliamentary delegations or foreign ones coming to Egypt in order to promote parliamentary cooperation on bilateral, regional, and multilateral levels.


  1. The ministry works, through its embassies abroad, on fostering and reinforcing Egyptian official relations with the parliamentary institutions of friendly states by highlighting and explaining Egyptian stances and policies towards regional and international issues.​